International Exams


Diploma in Business new

Legal English new



BEC offers an international certificate to participants who would like to use the language for Business Negotiations.

The exam is practical and focused on realistic everyday situations in the Business World .

There are three levels for the BEC and each one focuses on the following skills:

How BEC started

It was originally launched to meet the specific needs in Asia, starting with BEC 1 in 1993, BEC 2 and 3 the following consecutive years and arenow available all over the world.

Bec Preliminary
Bec Vantage
Bec Higher

BEC Objectives

Aimed at the elementary and lower-intermediate levels of competence and is suitable for students working in business or preparing for a career in business. BEC PRELIMINARY is also designed to encourage the development of the skills required by students progressing towards BEC VANTAGE.

Aimed at an intermediate level of competence and is suitable for people working in business or preparing for a career in business. BEC VANTAGE is designed to encourage the development of the skills required by students progressing towards BEC HIGHER.

Aimed at an advanced level of competence and, like BEC VANTAGE , is intended for people who are either already in business-oriented work or preparing to pursue such a career. At all three levels, the material and tasks are accessible to candidates who have experience of, or are interested in entering, a range of business fields,including marketing,production,financial services and general office work.


BEC Preliminary is an examination for elementary and lower-intermediate level candidates, at a level similar to Cambridge level I and II.

Learners at this level are expected to be able to deal with a specified grammatical inventory and understand and produce a restricted variety of knowledge of certain vocabulary items and use appropriate communicative strategies in a specified range of social situations. In handling simple spoken and written texts they should be able to identify relevant factual information and show an understanding of gist,opinion and feeling. They should be able to produce short and medium-length written texts with some guidance:
Learners at this level can:

extract specific information from short spoken exchanges.
give and receive personal information in a conversational context.
take down information in order to complete a form or memo.
react to and understand a variety of business-related texts.
interpret charts and diagrams;
produce a variety of written texts in order to convey specific information or feeling.


BEC Vantage is an examination for intermediate level candidates, at a level similar to Cambridge Level III. Learners at this level are expected to be able to handle the main structures of the language with some confidence, demonstrate knowledge of a wide range of vocabulary and use appropriate communicative strategies in a variety of social situations.

Their understanding of spoken language and written texts should go beyond being able to pick out items of factual information, and they should be able to distinguish between main and subsidiary points and between the gist of a test and specific detail. They should be able to produce written texts of various types,showing the ability to develop an argument as well as express information succinctly and appropriately.

Some of our students receiving
their BEC Preliminary certifications.

Learners at this level can:
understand the overall meaning and key points of a non-specialist presentation or discussion;
participate in a conversation giving personal information, exchanging information and expressing opinion;
take down information from phone conversations and public announcements;
read and understand general business letters, reports, articles and leaflets;
produce letters,memos and simple reports.


BEC Higher is an examination of business English at an advanced level similar to Cambridge level 4. a at this level are expected to be able to handle complex structures and demonstrate knowledge of a wide range of vocabulary. They would be able to employ appropriate communicative strategies within an extensive field of business and social situations, demonstrating a good degree of fluency and range of expression. Their understanding of spoken language and written texts should be thorough and should include an ability to infer meaning and nuance, make predictions and draw conclusions.They should be able to produce coherent and accurate writing in a variety of registers.

Some of our students receiving their
BEC Preliminary and Vantage certifications.

Learners at this level can:

engage in extended conversation
contribute effectively to meetings and seminars
take accurate notes during meetings
write reports and draft instructions
understand most correspondence,articles and reports where
information is overtly stated.
use the telephone for most purposes
negotiate successfully in most situations


Cambridge International Diplomas in Business enable individuals to develop theoretical understanding, alongside practical ability, of a variety of business disciplines at all levels of the management structure. The Diplomas are available at Standard and Advanced Levels, and are ideal for anyone wanting to broaden their understanding of business as a whole, or those seeking to develop specific workplace skills.

The Diplomas are made up of a set of modules, each designed to ensure an individual's ability to understand and apply the principles and practice of a wide range of key business areas. Although each module is self-contained, a clear progression route can be followed through the two Diploma Levels, enabling candidates to build upon the knowledge gained at each stage.

Esquema de evaluación

Most modules are assessed on a fixed date under examination conditions, with the exception of three optional modules - the examination schedule is available on request. Assessment guidelines are set by Cambridge but allow the application of a candidate's own local knowledge and business skills. Assessment for assignments is available on demand; all assignments are externally marked by Cambridge.

Core Modules Optional Modules
Business Organisation and Environment Marketing
Effective Business Communication Human Resource Management
Business Finance Interpersonal Business Skills
  Business Start-up
Customer Care
Information and Communications Technology
Organising Meetings and Events

Flexible Options

Core Certificate - Take all three core modules
Optional Certificate - Take any one optional module
Full Diploma Certificate - Take all three core modules plus any two optional modules

More information : visit the site en : Core Certificate –Take all three core modules


International Legal English Certificate new

English is an essential tool for any lawyer working with international matters.
It is the lingua franca of the legal profession, of business and international affairs.

Employers need to know that the legal staff they appoint have a sufficient level of English to be able to communicate with clients and professionals in other countries, and to handle information written in English.

At the same time, law students and newly-qualified lawyers need to be able to show employers that they have these skills. The new Cambridge ILEC - International Legal English Certificate - was created to meet these needs.

High-level language qualification for lawyers
ILEC is an examination set at levels B2 and C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. ILEC is equivalent in level to the world famous Cambridge First Certificate in English and Certificate in Advanced English, and assesses language skills in a legal context. Examinations at the C1 level may be used as proof of the level of language necessary to work in an international legal context or to follow a course of legal study at university level.

Internationally recognised
ILEC is a Cambridge ESOL examination, produced and assessed by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, in collaboration with Translegal – Europe’s leading firm of lawyer-linguists. It is recognised by leading associations of lawyers including the European Company Lawyers Association, the European Law Students Association, the International Association of Young Lawyers, and the European Young Bar Association.

How it works
ILEC exams are given twice a year, in May and November, starting on May 6th, 2006.

The examination takes approximately four hours in total and consists of four papers:

  • Test of Reading
  • Test of Writing
  • Test of Listening
  • Test of Speaking

The Test of Speaking is conducted face-to-face by qualified oral examiners.
The examination is based on realistic tasks of the kind legal practitioners would be expected to encounter in their daily working lives. Successful candidates are able to use the language in practical situations, to participate in meetings and discussions of a legal nature, express opinions clearly and are able to understand and to produce texts of various types, including legal letters, memoranda, and proposals. Examinations will be delivered through Cambridge ESOL's network of authorised examination centres throughout Europe and beyond.

Preparation courses and materials
It is expected that preparation courses for ILEC will be run in private language schools and university departments in many countries. Cambridge University Press will publish an ILEC course book during 2006, authored by Translegal. On-line resources are available including an electronic copy of our ILEC Handbook for Teachers.

Grading and certification
Written papers will be marked in the UK, by Cambridge ESOL examiners.
Test results are normally reported within six weeks of the test date. There is a range of passing and failing grades to distinguish levels of performance.
All candidates receive a statement of results showing their performance on each of the four papers and an overall grade, and candidates who achieve passing grades will receive an official certificate awarded by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.

More information :

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